About Us

Children in Rwanda

Giving a hand-up, not a hand-out.

Mission Statement

Bóthar is the Irish international charity that enables families and communities worldwide to overcome hunger and poverty and to restore the environment in a sustainable way, specialising in improved livestock production and support-related training.

Our Team

Ailish O'Reilly

Interim CEO

As Interim CEO Ailish O'Reilly takes on the day to day operations as Bóthar move forward with our strategic plan. Ailish has six years practical experience living and working alongside rural communities in Southern Haiti. She holds an MA in Development and compliments this with nineteen years of project and senior management in both the private and the charitable sector.


Mark Finnegan

Project Support Administrator

Our Project Support Administrator Mark Finnegan joined Bóthar in early 2025, after graduating from UL with a Degree in Political Science and International Relations. He gained invaluable work experience during his studies, having carried out a placement with Irish Aid as part of UL’s Cooperative Education Programme. It was this experience which inspired him to pursue a career in the development sector.

Our Vision

Passing on the Gift

Bóthar helps rural families earn an income by giving them the gift of livestock, take for example an Irish dairy cow. Irish dairy cows produce up to 20 litres of milk per day whereas a local cow will produce about 4 litres. With high milk yields, families can take what they need for their own use and sell the rest. With this income they can buy additional food stuffs, buy medicine when they are sick and send their children to school. Over time, they become self-sufficient and pass-on the first female calf to another family in their community, so the original gift continues to give.

Our Impact on the World
Bóthar sent its first airlift of 20 in-calf heifers from Shannon to Uganda.
Bóthar begins sending heifers to Rwanda to help survivors of the Genocide.
Bóthar celebrates its thirtieth year helping families in the developing world.


Background image present, alt tag from image says: Kids
Financial Information
Water Filter

Policies & Procedures

Share of Dairy Cow

Our Board Members

Chopping Elephant Grass

Commitment to Standards in Fundraising

Gift of a trio of rabbits

Donor Charter

Primary School Resources

Dóchas Code of Conduct

Rwandan Children

Handling Feedback & Complaints

Donate what you can