Animal Wellbeing

Ensuring the good care and maintenance of the animals used in Bóthar's projects is essential to the work that we do.
Bóthar ensures that it’s animals are only used in regions where they are culturally and environmentally appropriate. An animal is never sent into a region where it would not survive.
All families participating in Bóthar's projects under go months of rigorous training and preparation before receiving their animals. The families are trained in animal nutrition, husbandry and welfare and growth of specific fodder types.
Bóthar also provides on-going veterinary support to the families in the field to ensure good animal health and strong yields.
Apart from intensive training programmes and free veterinary back-up in the initial years of a project, Bóthar also funds veterinary equipment, artificial insemination straws, training programmes for veterinary staff, computers, motorbikes and other important items that form the infrastructure of a successful project.