Autumn Shipment

Autumn Shipment Donation
Autumn Shipment Donation €75
How this helps
Your donation will help with the cost of transporting in calf heifers that have been donated by Irish farm families to Kosovo this October.

Autumn Shipment Donation
Autumn Shipment Donation €150
How this helps
Your donation will help with the cost of transporting in calf heifers that have been donated by Irish farm families to Kosovo this October.

Autumn Shipment Donation
Autumn Shipment Donation €250
How this helps
Your donation will help with the cost of transporting in calf heifers that have been donated by Irish farm families to Kosovo this October.

In-calf Heifer
In-calf Heifer
How this helps
Your donation will sponsor an in-calf heifer for our Autumn shipment.