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Share of rabbits

Share of rabbits

Hey Presto! Your donation will change lives in the developing world.

How this helps

Ever heard the expression 'breeding like rabbits' and wonder just how quickly that is? In our Bóthar China projects, families receive a trio of rabbits-1 buck and 2 does. Using a breed called New Zealand white, each doe will have up to 6 litters a year. Each litter consists of about 8 kits (baby rabbits). That's almost 100 offspring per year! Young rabbits mature quickly and are ready for further breeding or market in three months, now that's fast! Rabbits eat leftover vegetables and in turn produce nitrogen rich manure that can be used on crops or sold as fertiliser. The living gift of a trio of rabbits is a practical way of assisting a struggling family. 

Gift of a trio of rabbits

Gift of a trio of rabbits

A trio of rabbits will help a family to earn an income in a relatively short space of time.

How this helps

Ever heard the expression 'breeding like rabbits' and wonder just how quickly that is? In our Bóthar China projects, families receive a trio of rabbits-1 buck and 2 does. Using a breed called New Zealand white, each doe will have up to 6 litters a year. Each litter consists of about 8 kits (baby rabbits). That's almost 100 offspring per year! Young rabbits mature quickly and are ready for further breeding or market in three months, now that's fast! Rabbits eat leftover vegetables and in turn produce nitrogen rich manure that can be used on crops or sold as fertiliser. The living gift of a trio of rabbits is a practical way of assisting a struggling family. Your donation also covers training & preparation of a family to receive an animal, transportation of the animal & full veterinary back up for a number of years.

Donate what you can

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Freephone 1800268463

International 0035361414142